#NINA #VeganFabulous

#NINA – A tag to inspire

#NINA #VeganFabulous

We would like to introduce our new hashtag movement #NINA !

NINA is an acronym for “Not Ignorant, Not Arrogant” and has been carefully chosen to inspire people to learn about issues and then do something about it.

Ignorance is not having enough knowledgeunderstanding, or information about something.

Arrogance is being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people.

By using the tag #NINA you are saying that you know about an issue and are prepared to do something about it, whether it be educating others about it, doing more research into it or just rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck in to help resolve it. You are also saying that nothing is beneath you and that everyone needs to do their part too.

The pronounciation of #NINA (/’ni:’na:r/ or knee-nar) has been chosen on purpose to subconsciously instill feelings of urgency, as it reflects the siren wails of many countries’ emergency services vehicles. Here at VeganFabulous we are very aware of the current climate crisis and do believe that if every single person on our beautiful planet acted right now, we would be able to overcome this emergency.

So it would be really great if, when you write a post or comment online, you could add the #NINA hashtag to the bottom in order to raise awareness of it and show solidarity to the movement.

#NINA #VeganFabulous